Python 101

Week 6:

Expedia Code Academy


I have a dictionary, and I want to look up the meaning of the word hotel.

You can describe this data as having a key (hotel) and a value (the definition). This is a data structure in Python!

Here's a dictionary representing people (keys) and their favourite animals (values):


So far we have seen lists, where we grab elements using their numbered position, or index.

Dictionaries are similar to lists, except you access the elements using unordered keys

                eng_dict = {} # let's create an English dictionary

                # then add words to it
                eng_dict['hotel'] = 'An establishment providing accommodation.' 
                eng_dict['flight'] = 'The process of flying through the air.'



You can also create a dictionary with data in it:

                # We can define a dictionary in one line too
                eng_dict = {
                  'hotel': 'An establishment providing accommodation',
                  'flight': 'The process of flying through the air'

                print(eng_dict['hotel']) # to print a value from the dictionary

(⭐️) 6a. Create a dictionary of the class' favourite animals

Dictionary operations

We can also modify existing dictionaries - the syntax is the same as adding new values.

                eng_dict = {
                  'hotel': 'An establishment providing accommodation',
                  'flight': 'The process of flying through the air'

                eng_dict['hotel'] = 'An establishment providing accommodation, buy now at!'

                # We can find the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary
                len(inventory) # just like for lists

(⭐️⭐️) 6b. Use input() to add someone's name and their favourite animal dynamically.

Dictionary exercise

(⭐️⭐️) 6c. Let's access data in a dictionary!

            hotel = {
                'name': 'Corinthia Hotel',
                'amenities': ['Indoor pool', 'Fitness centre', 'Spa'],
                'top spots': [
                    {'name': 'Trafalgar Square', 'proximity': 300},
                    {'name': 'London Eye', 'proximity': 450},
                    {'name': 'Buckingham Palace', 'proximity': 1200}
How can you:
  • Access the hotel name?
  • Find out how many amenities it has?
  • Find out the names of the top spots near it?
  • Find out all the top spots within 500 metres reach?

Appendix: Dictionary methods

We can get lists of all keys or all values.

                inventory = {'apples': 320, 'pears': 228, 'bananas': 420}

                # will print ['apples', 'pears', 'bananas']
                # will print [320, 228, 420]

Or we can check if a dictionary contains a given key, just like in lists.

                inventory = {'apples': 320, 'pears': 228, 'bananas': 420}

                'apples' in inventory # will return True
                'oranges' in inventory # will return False

Appendix: Dictionary exercises

              inventory = {'apples': 3, 'pears': 2, 'bananas': 0}
  • (⭐️⭐️) 6d. Let's go shopping! For this exercise use the following dictionary:
    • The program should handle the following scenario:
    • A shopper would like to buy 1 item. Take user input of what that item is.
      Assume that the user will type 'apples', 'pears' or 'bananas'!
    • Update the inventory to reflect that purchase - i.e. if someone buys apples, their value would go from 3 to 2.
  • (⭐️⭐️⭐️) 6e. Add the following functionality to your shopping program:
    • i. If that item doesn't exist, let the user know.
    • ii. If that item is sold out, let the user know.
    • iii. (🔥) Also ask the user for how many items they'd like to buy. Hint: you'll need
                            how_many = input('How many items would you like to buy?')
                            how_many = int(how_many)  # convert string to number (int = integer)

Appendix: Dictionary creation exercises

  • (⭐️️️⭐️️️⭐️) 6f. Write a program that tracks the count of the letters from a string.

    Given the string 'expedia' the expected output is:
                          {'e': 2, 'x': 1, 'p': 1, 'd': 1, 'i': 1, 'a': 1}